★圈内人才懂的幽默 in-joke If someone tells a joke at a party and only several people laugh while others don’t even realize that a joke is being told, then the person may be telling an in-joke.An in-joke ……
in the sportsmanship fraternity (圈内人) will do:1. Take no more game than the bag limit provided for by the game ……
of the things that those who would qualify for membership in the sportsmanship fraternity (圈内人) will do ……
,loyalty作为名词也可指“义气”。向来敢作敢当的小S此次与名嘴“隔空交火”,力挺好友黑人。小S为朋友这样两肋插刀,难怪在圈内人缘出了名的好!BareRobert Fan, 30, ChinaThe ……
前不久, 中国宇华教育集团董事局主席李光宇在接受媒体采访时表示,英语在中小学和大学课程中占的比例过于重,且中小学生花在英语学习上的时间太多,因此提出了取消高考英语、将中小学英语必修课改为选修课的建议。该观点一提出,立即引发社会热议,众多学者及社会人士纷纷通过媒体各抒己见,支持者、反对者各执一词。英语教育界的圈内人到底如何看待这个问题?本报特邀请业内专家和一线英语教师分享他们的观点。英文 ……