近日,世界上最大的出版机构培生教育出版集团下属的企鹅出版集团,在长城饭店与长江文艺出版社举行签约仪式,以10万美元的定金、10%的版税,购得长篇小说《狼图腾》的全球英文版权。姜戎的小说《狼图腾》,自去年4月间出版以来,连续16个月高居国内畅销书榜前三甲,成为国内原创小说榜第一名。截至目前,总销售量已经突破100万册。《狼图腾》不仅深受国内读者的喜爱,在国际上也引起众多出版机构的重视。签约 ……
3月13日,由长江文艺出版社和企鹅出版社联合举办的英文版《狼图腾》(Wolf Totem)的首发式在凝聚五千年文化的故宫御膳房举办。该书的译者,被誉为世界首席翻译家的美国汉学家葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)出席了当天首发仪式。此次由英国企鹅出版集团出版的英文版《狼图腾》共有3个版本:美国版、澳大利亚版和英国版,英文版昨天开始在110个国家和地区同步发行。中国作家姜戎的作品《狼图腾 ……
《狼图腾》的英文版本面世啦! MANY of you may think wolves (狼) are bad. But is that true? You may find the answer in the book Wolf Totem (《狼图腾》). Jiang Rong brought it out in 2004. The English version (版本) came out ……
《狼图腾》讲述草原上的斗争故事。词数 208 教案见网站 建议阅读时间 7分钟 MANY of you may think wolves are bad animals. But are they really evil? You may find the answer in the book Wolf Totem (《狼图腾》). The book written by Jiang Rong ……
Wolf Totem 《狼图腾》Release date: Feb 19 in China ANIMALS can be humans’ teachers, and Wolf Totem (《狼图腾》) shows how that can happen.Based on a novel of the same name by the Chinese writer Jiang Rong ……
for hunters. The eagle has long been a totem (图腾) for Manchu people. TEENS ……
谁为新中国设计了图腾?Every Chinese person needs to know:Official(官方的) name: People's Republic of China. It started on October 1, 1949.National flag(国旗): The Five-starred Red Flag.National Emblem(国徽): It has ……
title by director Zhang Yimou, which adds to the book’s international popularity.3. Wolf Totem (《狼图腾 ……
中外合作出版占主流地位 版权代理颇具发展潜力
推出的这三本作品就是由美国圣母大学的著名汉学家葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)及西方研究近现代中国文学领域的杰出翻译家翻译的。另据记者了解,今年年中,畅销书《狼图腾》将由英国企鹅出版集团在英、美、加拿大、新加坡等英语国家陆续出版发行。据该书策划、长江文艺出版社图书中心主任安波舜介绍,《狼图腾》的输出不仅创下了10%的版税收入纪录,也是我国图书首次被一次性买断全球英文版权。迄今为止,该书已经输出近30 ……
highly respected snakes beat other tribes, they would mix the features of the losers’ totem (图腾) animals... the features of the losers’ totem (图腾) animals with their own to create something truly powerful.Guo ……
ago. In a traditional Eskimo ceremony, he gets a special totem (图腾): a bear that means love. The boy ……
当变成熊的少年全力找回自我的时候,他懂得了爱的价值,学到了成长中最重要的一课。EVERY boy looks forward to becoming a man, and Kenai, an American Indian teenager, is no different. He hopes to receive an eagle or wolf totem (图腾 ……
解读狼群与生存。词数 259 建议阅读时间 4分钟HAVE you read Wolf Totem (《狼图腾》)? The book written by Jiang Rong has been popular for the last three years. And it has proved that a tale about the struggles between wolves ……
a totem (图腾) for Chinese people for thousands of years. What’s more important, Chinese people sing ……
Wolf Totem《狼图腾》Release date: Feb 19 in ChinaA WOLF means craft (诡计) and cruelty in many fables and fairy tales. But Wolf Totem is likely to stop people believing this. Based on a novel of the same ……