2000名参赛者各显神通 用中文再现洋曲韵味
近日,由北京市民讲外语活动组委会办公室、北京新东方学校、北京娱乐信报《职场周刊》联合举办的“外国歌歌词翻译大擂台”活动落下帷幕。据主办方介绍,大赛从今年3月正式启动,每周进行一次评比,共历时半年之久。此次大赛,读者的参与性很高,每周平均有80人参赛,22期比赛共吸引了近2000名参赛者。北京新东方学校教师刘鹏全程参与了参赛作品的选拔和评审工作。他说,从整体来看,参赛者的英译中水平一般,大赛 ……
近日,第六届中国人唱外国歌大赛正式启动。据悉,本次大赛是北京市民讲外语大型系列活动的主要内容之一。在北京2008年奥运会即将到来之际,今年的大赛被赋予了新的意义——提高市民的整体外语水平,建设良好的外语环境,营造“迎奥运、讲外语”的社会氛围,树立文明、开放的国际形象。大赛参赛作品不限语种,任何中国公民均可通过拨打大赛热线(010)68730886或登陆http://www.pksong.cn报名参赛。 ……
新闻回放前不久,上海一所学校开始教授英文版《中华人民共和国国歌》,并要求学生在升国旗时用英文高声演唱。该学校以此作为教学特色,借此向外界表明学校对英语教学的重视程度。一时间,许多...总统为什么要退场?因为这位欧盟负责人是一个法国人。这位法国人又为什么要说英语?他解释说,因为英语是欧盟的商业语言。尽管如此,希拉克仍不高兴一个法国人说了英语。那么,大家可以想象,如果一个法国学校出现类似用英语唱法国国歌 ……
Q: How long does a country'snational anthem (国歌) play at the Olympic Games?A: 80seconds(秒) at most. ……
At the Olympic Games, a country'snational anthem(国歌) can play for 80 seconds at most. ……
A very long songTHEnational anthem(国歌) of Greece is the longest in the world. The words are from an oldpoem(诗). It has 158verses(节)! No one could sing all of them. Luckily, people only sing the first ……
The shortest national anthem (国歌) is the Japanese national anthem, which is only four lines long. The longest is the Greek national anthem, which is 158 verses (节) long. ……
会唱国歌最多的女孩Hello, everyone! I’m Capri Everitt, an 11-year-old girl from Canada. I am very good at singing national anthems (国歌). I can sing the national anthems of 76 countries! I learn to sing ……
《国歌法》诞生。Different people sing different songs. But there is a song we all can sing. It is our national anthem (国歌) – March of the Volunteers (《义勇军进行曲》).On Sept 1, China passed the National Anthem Law ……
《国歌法》的诞生。 There is a song we all can sing – March of the Volunteers (《义勇军进行曲》). It’s our national anthem (国歌). We learn it at the beginning of primary school and sing at flag-raising ceremonies ……
anthem (国歌). Then they studied Tibetan language (藏语) and Chinese.“The quake damaged (破坏) our ……
chanson (法国歌曲). REUTERS ……
奥地利国歌“重男轻女”? 词数 147 建议阅读时间 2分钟Land of mountains, land by the stream, Land of fields, land of cathedrals (大教堂),…Austria’s national anthem (国歌) celebrates the country’s beautiful landscape ……
series Startling by Each Step (《步步惊心》).Assiduous意思是“勤奋的”,意思相近的词有diligent, painstaking等。韩国歌手李智恩因一首流利的民谣《斑马斑马》得到中国歌迷的肯定,中文棒棒哒,毫无违和感,网友们也热情呼吁《我是歌手4》节目邀其加盟。 ……
’s national anthem (国歌). Why is he doing this? It is part of a short film. France played... on the International Space Station (国际空间站). He played France’s national anthem (国歌). Why is he doing this?  ……