12, three pandas got scared (吓坏的) and went missing. Up to Friday people had found two. The center ……
.Prankish意为“恶作剧的”,与文中的mischievous同义。明星台前光鲜,台后打架,这可吓坏了粉丝。虽然最后证实是节目整蛊陈楚生,但是低俗炒作依然被观众抨击。 ……
at him and knocked his hat off.The young man was frightened (吓坏了) and angry. "Didn''t you see ……
故事简介妈妈要把小熊们的玩具扔掉,这下可把他们俩吓坏了。爸爸想出了好主意,既不用扔掉心爱的玩具,房间还可以又整洁又干净......。Papa calls a family meeting right then and there. "It isn't fair to your mama and me, because we have a lot of other things to take ……
口呆,使呆若木鸡,也可说flabbergasted。除了shock,Jolt也指使震惊。《那些年》香港电影金像奖夺奖,柯震东也被导演的意外“激吻”举动“吓坏”。 ……
复合形容词。又如:poverty-stricken 非常贫穷的;panic-stricken 惊慌失措的;horror-stricken 吓坏的;earthquake-stricken 被地震袭击的。 ……
). A word’s meaning changes as you change the tone. That scares (吓坏) away many foreign learners. ……
……的”,因此dark-complexioned意为“脸色黑的”,同义词有tanned。詹妮弗·劳伦斯作为迪奥代言人出席高级定制走秀,没想到黝黑的脸色吓坏了粉丝。健康肤色固然好,可太黑也显得不自然。 ……
he got 10,000 likes. “I was freaking out (吓坏了) at the time,” he said. He became a singer two years ……
is still in One Direction.”Losing it这个短语意为“吓坏了,头脑失常”,与它表达相近意思的词组有freak out。泽恩·马利克彻底切断自己与单向乐队的关系,让粉 ……
.Grueling意为“使极度疲劳的”,近义词有exhausting和tiring等。《极限挑战》海南站的节目中,张艺兴因体力不支晕倒,也是吓坏了工作人员和粉丝。小绵羊勤奋工作的同时也要注意休息呀。不过 ……
Weibo.Exhausting意为“极度疲劳的”。在《极限挑战》海南站的节目中,张艺兴因体力不支晕倒,吓坏了工作人员和粉丝。“小绵羊”勤奋工作的同时也要注意休息呀。 ……
hear your lungs (肺) or your stomach gurgling (咕咕作响) loudly. So before you freak out (吓坏), you may want ……
can hear your lungs (肺) or your stomach gurgling (咕咕作响) loudly.So before you freak out (吓坏), you...) or your stomach gurgling (咕咕作响) loudly.So before you freak out (吓坏), you might want to leave the room ……
的表达有 joy killer。大家都想捉弄法语老师,看他被吓坏的样子,但 Annie 却泼了一盆冷水,说那么做会被罚写论文,难怪被大家称为 buzz kill。 ……