人与人相遇总是要有奇妙的缘分,到了一定的年龄,开始莫名地敬畏这种缘分。杨宪益先生,应该是英专的我在大学期间听过的最鼎鼎有名的翻译家;赵蘅老师,应该是2021年《九零后》北京点映“联后代...是英专的我在大学期间听过的最鼎鼎有名的翻译家;赵蘅老师,应该是2021年《九零后》北京点映“联后代”发言中最闪闪发光的人物。很难想象,这两位重要人物会在多年后因为一本书被大家更为熟知。依然 ……
Why do dogs like to lick (舔) people? Wolf cubs (狼宝宝) lick their moms’ faces to say, “Feed (喂) me.” As they get older, licking means respect (尊敬) for bigger wolves. 今天的宠物狗是狼的后代,因此继承了许多狼的行为。They lick ……
and better quality offspring (后代)."His team analyzed 50 years worth of records of fished and un-fished ……
家教是一个家庭最宝贵的财富。”“家风家教是一个家庭最宝贵的财富。”我们常说,最好的家庭教育,是父母的言传身教。家风正,则后代正,则源头正,则国正。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平对家庭、家教和家风建设有许多重要论述。我们常说,最好的家庭教育,是父母的言传身教。家风正,则后代正,则源头正,则国正。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平对家庭、家教和家风建设有许多重要论述。2022年6月8日,习总 ……
家教是一个家庭最宝贵的财富。”“家风家教是一个家庭最宝贵的财富。”我们常说,最好的家庭教育,是父母的言传身教。家风正,则后代正,则源头正,则国正。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平对家庭、家教和家风建设有许多重要论述。我们常说,最好的家庭教育,是父母的言传身教。家风正,则后代正,则源头正,则国正。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平对家庭、家教和家风建设有许多重要论述。2022年6月8日,习近 ……
there is no risk before they approve the method for use.HELPoffspring n. 后代concern v. 关心hesitant adj. 犹豫的scale n. 规模,范围approve v. 赞成,批准HELPHELPHELPoffspring n. 后代concern v. 关心hesitant adj. 犹豫的scale n. 规模 ……
to raise money (筹款) for poor people. To remember Croft, his later generations (后代) kept doing it. This way... generations (后代) kept doing it. This way, the tradition lives on. ……
of coins, medals and other things. He wrote in his will (遗嘱) that his offspring (后代) could only sell them... of 20,000 pieces of coins, medals and other things. He wrote in his will (遗嘱) that his offspring (后代 ……
Zoo in California. Anyoffspring(后代) born to pandas that have been lent overseas is considered Chinese ……
it the “Ant from Mars” and they think it is descendant (后代) of one of the very first ants to evolve (进化 ……
IT’S not easy to say goodbye to a beloved person, or animal. Tai Shan, a giant panda born in the US in 2005, is going to return to China to breed (繁衍后代) early next year.The panda has become one ……
of Roman descendants (后代) and Roman ruins in Liqian village in Gansu province during the Han Dynasty ……
总书记在四川考察时来到北宋著名文学家苏洵、苏轼、苏辙父子三人的故居三苏祠,了解三苏家训家风。习总书记强调家风家教是一个家庭最宝贵的财富,是留给子孙后代最好的遗产(the best legacy for future generations)。要推动全社会注重家庭家教家风建设,激励子孙后代增强家国情怀,努力成长为对国家、对社会有用之才。2022年习总书记在四川考察时来到北宋著名文学家苏洵、苏轼、苏辙 ……
奇怪吗?伟大的成吉思汗突然有了个美国后代?A BRITISH research firm recently studied 25,000 DNAsamples(样本) searching for a moderndescendant(后代) of Genghis Khan from outside Mongolia.They found one far away in the US: Tom ……
dog. SIBERIAN TIMESWe know that modern dogs are descendants (后代) of wolves. As for when dogs were... dogs are descendants (后代) of wolves. As for when dogs were first domesticated (驯养), it’s still ……