小小“奥运会”小小“奥运会” In August, some children in Syria (叙利亚) held...道) and boxing (拳击). Sports make their life better. In August, some children in Syria (叙利亚 ……
Bear slips disc椎间盘突出的大熊NOT only humans suffer from a slipped disc (椎间盘突出). Bears do, too. Mango is a 19-year-old Syrian brown bear (叙利亚棕熊) living in Tel Aviv, Israel (以色列). Zookeepers found a slipped ……
送来玩具与希望的叙利亚“圣诞老人”。Do you believe in Santa Claus? Well, there is a real “Santa” in Syria (叙利亚). Wars (战争) started in Syria in 2011. Kids there live a hard life. But one man often brings them toys ……
销毁叙利亚化武Russia and the US struck a deal on Sept 14 that will strip the Syrian government of its chemical *arsenal by mid-2014, Reuters reported. The deal may avoid US military action against ……
AFP 叙利亚艺术家在地震废墟上作画,传递希望叙利亚艺术家在地震废墟上作画,传递希望叙利亚艺术家在地震废墟上作画,传递希望叙利亚艺术家在地震废墟上作画,传递希望A woman was sitting next to an artwork painted on the rubble (瓦砾) of a building in Syria on Feb 22 ……
used both.InSyria(叙利亚) in the Mid East, New Year is at harvest time in October. InUganda(乌干 ……
Amal is a young Syrian refugee (叙利亚难民). Her mother went off to find food and never came back. She..., Italy, on Sept 12.In her story, Little Amal is a young Syrian refugee (叙利亚难民). Her mother went off ……
.”Bana Alabed,7-year-old Syrian girl “在这里,人们像苍蝇一样死去,我不知道接下来会发生什么,炸弹就像下雨一样。”——七岁的叙利亚女孩Bana Alabed(推特网)每当Bana Alabed从睡梦中醒来,她总会问妈妈现在是白天了吗?因为日复一日的狂轰滥炸,小女孩从自家窗户向外望甚至不能分辨出白天黑夜。这就是战火中的叙利亚儿童们面临的残酷生存现状。她问妈妈“为什 ……
(叙利亚) in the Mid East New Year is at harvest time in October. InUganda(乌干达) in Africa a year lasts ……
,500 and 7,700 respectively. Proliferation指“迅速扩散”,近义词为spread。Syria death toll叙利亚冲突死亡人数The death toll ……
AFPChildren in Tadif, Syria, go to school in an empty buildingChildren in Tadif, Syria, go to school in an empty building叙利亚孩子在“废墟学校”里上课叙利亚孩子在“废墟学校”里上课What is this empty building? It is a temporary ……
of social media, seemed to carry nowhere near the cachet of Batman or Miley Cyrus.8月21日,有报道称叙利亚巴沙尔政府部队使用含有沙林毒气的火箭弹袭击首都大马士革姑塔东区,造成众多平民死亡。美国国务卿约翰·克里26日指出,使用化学武器杀害平民是“道德败坏”的行为,“不可原谅”。同时,他声称,叙利亚政府军掌握化学武器,而且 ……
badlyA strong earthquake hits Turkiye and Syria badly土耳其叙利亚地震之后,全球救援力量在行动土耳其叙利亚地震之后,全球... the same problem. 叙利亚也面临着同样的问题。Syria has also faced the same problem. 叙利亚 ……
让时间倒流到很多很多年以前。”—— 德国总理安格拉·默克尔(《金融时报》)去年夏天欧洲难民危机爆发,就在其它欧洲国家犹豫不决之时,德国总理默克尔敞开国门接纳近百万叙利亚难民。这一...我有一碗彩虹糖,并且告诉你们里面只有三颗是致命的,你们会抓一把吃掉吗?这就是我们的叙利亚难民问题。”(If I had a bowl of skittles and I told you just three ……
所有责任”。同义短语还有take full responsibility。国足对战叙利亚失利,主教练里皮心态崩盘,国足又将何去何从?Take all the blame意为“承担所有责任”。同义短语还有take full responsibility。国足对战叙利亚失利,主教练里皮心态崩盘,国足又将何去何从? ……