《天赋异禀》带你走进“变种人”的真实世界。 词数 338 建议阅读时间 7分钟It’s well known that raising teenagers can be a difficult task as it is. But what if those teenagers possessed mutant (变异的) powers so incredible that they have ……
possessed mutant (变异的) powers so incredible they have become the target of a government that wants ……
came true.After he was bitten by a mutant (变异的) spider, everything changed for Peter. He became ……
. Then one day, his life changed forever. On a school trip, a mutant (变异的) spider bit Peter. The next day ……
in a variant (变异的) form. Adults who carry two copies of the gene variant — about one in six people ……
a protein that helps build mosquitoes’ sense of smell. The mutated (变异的) mosquitoes were then left ……
of mutant (变异的) superheroes called the X-Men. Jackman first played this role in the three X-Men films ……
of mutant (变异的) superheroes called the X-Men. Jackman first played this role in the three X-Men films ……
actor Hugh Jackman, is one member of a team of mutant (变异的) fighters called the X-Men. The “X” stands ……
.--------------------------------------odor 气味olfactory bulb 嗅球mutant 变异的mammal 哺乳动物stimulus 刺激物(复数:stimuli)amygdala 脑部杏仁核tuberculosis 肺结核 ……
纽约洛克菲勒大学的科学家发现,睡眠时相延迟障碍——一种影响人睡眠规律的疾病——会通过一种变异的基因遗传下来。考点看台Page 6It’s common knowledge that sleep ……
-expanding Marvel Comics Universe.These mutant (变异的) teenagers aren’t alone – there&rsquo...-expanding Marvel Comics Universe.These mutant (变异的) teenagers aren’t alone – there&rsquo ……
种交流语境是诗歌之所以成为诗歌,成为艺术作品的先决条件。弗罗斯特在诗歌语言上进行变异的首要目的就是邀你入诗。更妙的是,当读者推开了诗歌的这扇门,放眼望去并不是一马平川,而是曲径通幽,不用智慧便无法通达。一首...造性地提出了“有意义的声音(Sound of Sense)”这一概念。正是弗罗斯特在诗歌形式,尤其在语言和韵律方面的变异并使二者达到高度统一确立了他现代诗人的地位。20世纪 ……
摘自: 形式也是艺术[文/河海大学外国语学院 蔡斌, 21世纪英语教育周刊]