the survivors and the victims’ (受害者的) families, will find this hard to accept. The Hong Kong government ……
a theft. When he arrived at the victim’s (受害者的) home, he found a broken window. Pieces of glass... morning about a theft. When he arrived at the victim’s (受害者的) home, he found a broken window ……
: As criminals don’t respect their victims’ (受害者的) rights, it’s reasonable that they shouldn’t have the same ……
as their victims’ (受害者的) family members or friends to borrow money. People’s private lives are becoming ……
’ (受害者的) medical care. But in many cases, it’s hard to find out who is responsible. This makes ……
should pay for the victims’ (受害者的) medical care. But in many cases, it’s hard...; (受害者的) medical care. But in many cases, it’s hard to find out who is responsible (有责 ……
the following example of bullying on an American school bus, try to imagine yourself in thevictim's(受害者的 ……
the following example of bullying on an American school bus, try to imagine yourself in thevictim's(受害者的 ……
the following example of bullying on an American school bus, try to imagine yourself in thevictim's(受害者的 ……
Bill Dodd, California Assemblymember“如果我们让一个强奸犯只服刑很短的时间就被保释出狱,这是对受害者的二次侵害。”—— 加州众议院议员比尔·道得 (《洛杉...被提前释放出狱,激起了美国国内新一轮关于司法公正的讨论。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,在加州(斯坦福大学所在州)的法律中,凡被判犯有性侵罪的人都必须服刑,但有个例外:如果受害人当时处于无意识(unconscious)状态 ……
要点提示新闻:美国总统奥巴马1月底宣布成立新任务小组,该小组负责帮助教育机构预防和应对校园性暴力,加强联邦对学校性犯罪管理的能力。内容:介绍美国校园性侵的严重程度,学校和受害者的...2200万名女性和160万名男性曾遭强暴,少数族裔和年轻人面临这一风险的概率最大。在女性性侵受害者中,近一半人是在18岁之前遭遇性侵,而超过25%的男性受害者在10岁之前已被侵犯。强奸犯大多是受害者的 ……
’s (受害者的) grandson, played by US actor Chris Evans, who is famous for his role of Captain America... of a wealthy American family. Every family member is a suspect (嫌疑人), including the victim’s (受害者的 ……
一方面承受着这种代代相传的两性关系模式底下,爱的缺位与仇恨膨胀所带来的痛苦;另一方面,作为受害者的女人们又不自觉地日复一日地加强着、巩固着这种失衡的两性关系。耶利内克用她看似玩世不恭、冷淡的语调叙述着高度符号化的日常故事,以尖刻的笔触将生活温情的假面毫不留情地戳穿。那样冷静的、毫无水分的文字,将读者的心灵硌得生疼。阅读者常常会被这勇敢的文字刺痛,因为人们在这里面瞥见自己的影子。就是在这部作品里,耶利 ……
舞着斧头的大树这一看似有悖常理的形象则为考生提供了一个独特的写作视角:即人类不应当过于自私,我们应当尝试着从大自然作为受害者的角度考虑问题。此外还有一点考生也要务必注意,要点中提示考生要提出一些措施并表达对未来的憧憬。考生 ……
car, who was a lady,可以简化成the woman driver(lady隐暗"有修养的女性",不应用在肇事司机的身上)4)who was not badly hurt介绍受害者的 ……