You see a spiderman (蜘蛛人) walk around freely like a spider in films. How? Would you like to have a try?What you needDouble-sided tape (双面胶)Vegetable oilWhat to do1. Make a spider’s web ……
送糖果啦!装在哪里呢?What you needColored (彩色的) paper Double-sided tape(双面胶)ScissorsA pencil A black marker (水彩笔)CandiesWhat to do:1. Use the pencil to draw a rabbit and a monkey on the colored paper.2. Cut ……
What you need:red clothscissors 双面胶条 black paper 矿泉水瓶盖 ball penbottle of yogurt黑色油笔 pingpong.... 用双面胶条把矿泉水瓶盖粘在乒乓球顶部。 It's a hat. 4. Put the head on the bottle of yogurt.5. 用黑 ……
漂亮的手工花What do you need:Colored paper Wire (铁丝) Fimo (软陶) 双面胶 Ruler PencilHow to make1,Make the stem (花茎) of the flower: Use a piece of green paper to wrap the wire.(先把双面胶粘在绿色的手工纸上,然后剪一个约2厘米宽的纸条,再将 ……
恐龙帽子What you needGreen paperScissorsGlueDouble-sided tape (双面胶)How to make one1. Cut two long pieces of the green paper.2. Take one piece. Use the double-sided tape to make a circle like this. 3. Cut ……
Look at this lovely bottle doll. What a usefulpen container!What you need:glue stick 彩色的皱纹纸a plastic bottledouble-sided tape 双面胶scissorsWhat to do:1. Cut off some pieces of coloured paper. 大约1厘米 ……
),double-sided tape(双面胶), black pen (for the eyes)What to do:1. Make the playdough into a 1.5-centimetre ……
蜘蛛和它的网Spiders love to eat insects. They build webs3 and use them to catch food. They walk across the web without getting trapped (不被粘到). How?What you needDouble-sided tape (双面胶)Vegetable oilWhat ……
;Double-sided tape (双面胶)What you needA coin Double-sided tape (双面胶)Glue (粘) a coin to the floor ……
; Pushpin (图钉) Decorative (装饰的) paper Double-sided tape (双面胶条)1. Take the lid (盖 ……
克进口铜版纸、四色印刷、覆亚膜,内文70克双面胶版纸胶印,注重装帧设计。2.经评审入选的优秀作品出版时在封面标注“教育部高等学校社会科学发展研究中心资助出版”。资助费用直接支付给本文库协议出版单位,不支 ……
国际视野的内容可为学生开辟新的视角去理解科学,帮助学生从小接触世界通用的科学话语体系,为未来进行跨文化交际和科技创新奠定基础。例如:在探究风媒传粉(4B第二单元第二课)时,学生会用小木棍、毛刷和双面胶 ……
若能积极参与某项课堂活动,笔者便在课后发给学生一张由笔者签名评价的课堂表现鉴定条(见附表,背后贴有双面胶,可即时贴在课本上),再结合鉴定条上的评语定期向学生家长汇报,反馈学生的学习表现,使学 ……