别跑,小鱼!WHO is this time-traveler? It’s a sea lion. And that’s not a tunnel (隧道) of time. The hungry sea lion is in fact looking for its supper in the sea near Ecuador (厄瓜多尔). The fish were afraid ……
to the country of Ecuador (厄瓜多尔).The islands’ location, climate and ocean currents (洋流) are what... Islands a Natural World Heritage site in 1978. The Galapagos Islands厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯群岛● Category: world ……
when taking the tests.Don't steal timeECUADOR(厄瓜多尔) started a war against lateness last week ……
to the country of Ecuador (厄瓜多尔).The islands’ location, climate and ocean currents (洋流) are what ……
siesta (午睡) championship. Pedro Lopez, a 62-year-old Ecuadorian (厄瓜多尔的) man, managed to win. He ……
of Ecuador (厄瓜多尔). There are 19 islands in all. The Galapagos Islands are famous for their many ……
to the Embassy of Ecuador (厄瓜多尔大使馆) in London, which granted him asylum (避难所) in August.Earlier during ……
the record。相反,泄露真相是spill the beans 或 divulge the truth。嘎嘎小姐前往厄瓜多尔大使馆造访“维基解密”创始人,原来逃避追捕中的阿桑奇并不寂寞。 ……
嗨,小海狮,你想买点什么?ON an island (岛) in Ecuador (厄瓜多尔), a sea lion walked to a fish stall (货摊), tried to stand and put her head near the table. She just kept looking at the fish and didn’t want to leave ……
be playing the first match of the tournament, facing Ecuador (厄瓜多尔). It’s Qatar’s first-ever FIFA World Cup... of the tournament, facing Ecuador (厄瓜多尔). It’s Qatar’s first-ever FIFA World Cup game. This makes them the first ……
the plants spread around the world. For example:Tomato:Comes from:Peru(秘鲁),Ecuador(厄瓜多尔).First grew ……
River of ice meltsGlobal warming is melting Ecuador's valuable mountain glaciers and could cause several of them to disappear over the next 20 years, scientists said last week.这条简讯讲的是科学家上周说由于全球变暖,厄瓜多尔 ……
指"拆毁、破坏",这里指"击败"Three-time champions Italy demolished World Cup debutants Ecuador. (三届世界杯冠军意大利队击败了首次打进世界杯决赛的厄瓜多尔 ……
and are beautiful during April and May.Ecuador (厄瓜多尔)Ecuador is a more exotic trip. Travelers can visit ……
. During the trip, Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands, about 800 kilometers west of Ecuador (厄瓜多尔 ……