AUTUMN is a time for hoodies (帽衫). You can easily make yours stand out. Some hoodie shops in America sell hoodies with hand-prints (手工印刷). So you can put your favorite stars’ heads on the hoodie head ……
”(Inker)又悄然在网上兴起,迄今已帮助成千上万的网友圆了草根出书的梦想。印客的英文是Inker,也称IN客,self-publishing people是其英文对译。印客通过一些提供自助印刷服务的网站,按照自己的需求,将所画的、所写的或拍摄的事物制成具有保存价值的个性化印刷品,如台历、相册、书籍甚至是T恤等。这些印刷物印量不多,花费也不高,大多属于自娱自乐。印客的风行其实与“按需印刷(POD ……
摘自: 译海拾贝[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
头发上印花,够时尚!头发上印花,够时尚!You might often see colorful printed patterns (印刷图案) on clothing... printed patterns (印刷图案) on clothing. But what about seeing them on hair?Alexis Ferrer is a Spanish ……
继大英百科全书今年3月宣布将不再推出印刷版后,又一家拥有百年历史的老牌词典印刷商在与互联网的竞争中败下阵来。麦克米伦词典近日宣布,自明年起将停止出版纸质版词典。据了解,麦克米伦词典由成立于1843...米伦终于在传统出版物与现代网络技术之间找到了理想的折中方案。对于全面改为网络版,Michael Rundell称,传统的印刷模式受到的局限较多。在高科技时代,许多书在印刷完成时其内容就已过时,而且书的内容往往也受到印刷 ……
大英百科全书告别印刷版。词数 160 建议阅读时间 5分钟SAD news for people who like big books: Encyclopedia Britannica (大英... encyclopedias instead. The last print version (印刷版本) was the 32-volume (册), 58.5kg version. It came out ……
美国中学生体验丝网印刷术,个个都变小艺术家。HAVE you heard of screen printing (丝网印刷术)? It’s very fun. You use a mesh stencil (网格模板) to put ink (墨) onto things like wood (木头) and cloth. You can make any pictures you want ……
blocks (印刷活字) from ancient China.3. The Olympic rings were made of thousands of lights. First ……
世界上最贵印刷书:《美国鸟类》。The book in this picture is one of the world’s most expensive books – Birds of America. It has been kept under lock and key (妥善保管) at a Scottish library for more than 100 years ……
fireworks lights up the Beijing sky.2. The grey boxes represented (展示) printing blocks (印刷活字) from ……
Serbia, the national airline company of Serbia, is planning to print (印刷) the names of 14 important ……
“毕昇”在当代In the past, printing (印刷) was a hard job. People carved (刻) words into lead cubes (铅块... to type (打字). And China’s printing industry (印刷业) was far behind other countries’ industries.But Wang ……
“毕昇”在当代In the past, printing (印刷) was a hard job. People carved (刻) words into lead cubes (铅块... to type (打字). And China’s printing industry (印刷业) was far behind other countries’ industries.But Wang ……
). For example, he printed (印刷) a photo of actress Marilyn Monroe differently many times. This gave people..., such as movie stars and advertisements (广告). For example, he printed (印刷) a photo of actress Marilyn ……
王选:将科学与市场相结合,开创中国印刷技术新纪元。Wang Xuan● Father of modern Chinese language typesetting● 1937-2006● Born... printed books and newspapers with movable block type (活字印刷). This was invented by Bi Sheng in 1040 ……
由新闻出版总署信息中心主办的英文杂志CHINA BOOK INETERNATIONAL(《中国新书》)近日正式出版。据了解,这是国内第一本面向海内外公开发行的对外推介中国出版物、全面展示中国出版业整体形象的综合性英文季刊。作为“中国图书对外推广计划”的工作用刊,该刊曾在去年8月底推出试刊号,并在当年的北京国际图书博览会和法兰克福书展上受到好评。据了解,该杂志为大16开本,全彩印刷,设有 ……