2015年是二十世纪英国草根作家D•H•劳伦斯诞辰130周年和逝世85周年的年份。近期,人民文学出版社推出十卷本《劳伦斯文集》及《劳伦斯读本》,以纪念这位二十世纪英国文坛上才华横溢又最富争议的作家。《劳伦斯读本》由毕冰宾先生(笔名“黑马”)翻译,《劳伦斯文集》由他主编和主译。作为国内最著名的劳伦斯研究者与翻译家之一,毕冰宾从事劳伦斯研究30年,对劳伦斯 ……
hard.– Jennifer Lawrence, 24, American actress小编点评:在《饥饿游戏》系列电影中,詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)和戏中两个男主角合作默契。而戏外他们三个人是好朋友。劳伦斯戏称两个男主角是她的宠物小猫。然而和好朋友搭戏最不利的就是大家必须假装(pretend)是另一个人,要有眼神接触(eye contact),还不能笑场。奥斯卡影后劳伦斯也觉得这是个大难题呢。 ……
詹尼佛•劳伦斯献唱《饥饿游戏3》。JENNIFER Lawrence is not just a great actress. The 24-year-old American is an amazing singer, too. She sang The Hanging Tree for the movie The Hunger Games 3. She also starred ……
劳伦斯三部曲再次亮相出版时值D.H.劳伦斯逝世80周年,代表劳伦斯最高创作成就的三部曲《虹》(The Rainbow)、《恋爱中的女人》(Women in Love)、《查泰莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley’s Lover)近日由中央编译出版社出版,全部由黑马翻译。据了解,黑马于20世纪80年代末开始执著于劳伦斯的研究和翻译,已经出版劳伦斯作品译文十余种,其简劲的文笔、灵动 ……
摘自: 书业快讯[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
“不做作的”,近义词有unaffected和modest。詹妮弗·劳伦斯和克里斯·马汀的恋情看似意外,却有据可循。劳伦斯的悠闲不做作正好抚慰马汀离婚受伤的心灵。 ……
舒马赫喜获劳伦斯奖GERMAN Formula One (一级方程式赛车) champion Michael Schumacher won the Laureus World Sportsman of the Year Award last Tuesday in Monaco (摩纳哥).The award is considered the "sports Oscar".He beat ……
詹妮弗•劳伦斯获评美联社年度娱乐人物。ON Dec 26, The Associated Press named the US actress Jennifer Lawrence the 2013 Entertainer of the Year (年度娱乐人物). The 23-year-old star has really worked hard for her award ……
谁敢跟詹尼佛•劳伦斯比摔跤?US actress Jennifer Lawrence is a beautiful young woman. But the 23-year-old is also very clumsy (笨手笨脚的). She fell at the Oscars twice in 2013 and earlier this year. On May 10 ……
“摔跤王”詹妮弗•劳伦斯。AMERICAN actress Jennifer Lawrence, 25, is great at acting. But she falls (摔倒) a lot in public (在公众场合). She fell twice on the red carpet (红地毯) at both the 2013 and 2014 Oscars ……
Federer wins for third timeTENNIS No 1 Roger Federer becameLaureus World Sportsman(劳伦斯年度世界最佳男运动员奖) of the Year. The 25-year-old Swiss is the first person to get the award three times. Russianpole ……
’s footing 失足;跌倒。美国演员詹妮弗•劳伦斯几乎成为了“摔跤王”。继去年和今年的奥斯卡连摔之后,近日《X战警》首映礼上的失足险些成为第三摔。不过,这丝毫未影响到劳伦斯 ……
成功”。F1车手马克斯·维斯塔潘获得2022劳伦斯世界体育奖“年度最佳男运动员”。 Come out on top表示“大有成就,最终成功”。F1车手马克斯·维斯塔潘获得2022劳伦斯世界体育奖“年度最佳男运动员”。 ……
F1车手维斯塔潘获劳伦斯体育大奖F1车手维斯塔潘获劳伦斯体育大奖F1 driver Max Verstappen won a big prize at the 2022 Laureus World Sports Awards on April 24. The 24-year-old was awarded world sportsman of the year. Verstappen won ……
of the Year by theLaureus World Sports Academy(劳伦斯世界体育学会) on Monday. She was the youngest athlete to win ……
the 2005Laureus World Newcomer(劳伦斯最佳新人奖) of the Year. Top world tennis player Roger Federer was named ……