言习得理论认为:交流的需要是语言习得的动机。该理论强调语言学习来自需要,其发展源于将只言片语合并为思想表达出来。因此,教师应在英语课堂上努力营造师生互动的氛围,激发学生的学习动机。这就需要教师制造...实现有效的课堂交流。2.缺少信息缺口影响语言交流。一直以来,师生在英语课堂中进行交流的形式基本就是提问和回答,但不是所有的问答都称得上真正的交流。教师提问时应注意技巧,尽力制造信息缺口。所谓 ……
Do you like rainbows (彩虹)? This toy brings a rainbow to your room, day or night. ……
一提到白宫,人们自然而然地会联想到诸如Oval. Office(椭圆形办公室)、the. First. Family(第一家庭)等词语. ……
China. has. ……
Director:. Ang. ……
鲁子问:它其实并非一个真正的教学研究项目或教育科学研究项目,因为它不具备教育试验的多个要素. 刘世生:很多中国学生喜欢西方老师的教学方式,西方学生也喜欢中国教师的授课方法. 刘柯:最合适的教育应该是受到学生认可的教育,每个国家都可能有适合自己学生的教育模式. 郝又明:探讨教育离不开对于国家历史背景、渊源的了解,教育一定要与本国国情相结合. ……
Jane is not satisfied with Jim's work. She complains a lot.Don't tell Jim about it. Otherwise it would make waves at work.make waves:制造麻烦或纠纷 ……
Jane is not satisfied with Jim's work. She complains a lot.Don't tell Jim about it. Otherwise it would make waves at work.make waves: 制造麻烦或纠纷 ……
超级“冰”帽Some places in the US are having a lot of snow. Snow is causing (制造) a lot of trouble (麻烦) to people there. Look at the man. He is a football fan. He puts on a big icy5 hat. It’s so cold ……
Can you fold a paper pigeon (鸽子)? Students in Greece (希腊) made 280,000 paper boats. They put them together and created (制造) the largest paper pigeon in the world. The pigeon is 3,000 square meters ……
湿纸巾制造机What? You are running out (用完) of wet tissues (纸巾)? Don’t worry! Let Wizumoa help you. It is a tissue box. It is also a wet tissue maker. It gives out mist (雾). The mist turns a dry tissue ……
有趣的爆米花制造机This yellow machine is for making popcorn. Its name is Popcorn Monsoon. It has a plastic tube (塑料管). Popcorn falls down into a bowl through the tube. It’s fun to watch. ……
Q: What do people do in a clock factory?A: They make faces all day.注:Make faces这个短语,既可以表示做鬼脸,还可以从字面上解释为制造钟面。 ……
Q: Dear editor:请问第194期4-5版介绍德国汽车制造业的文章中,In Germany, one in every seven workers works in the car industry. 这句话什么意思?为什么动词在这里要用第三人称单数形式?Shanghai, Wu BifeiShanghai, Wu BifeiA: Dear Bifei:德国是世界三大汽车制造 ……
大量迅速制造The world’s first metal 3-D printed handgun has been *unveiled by US company Solid Concepts....除了“大量迅速地制造”,crank out还含有“粗制滥造”、“质量无法保证”的意思。近义短语为churn out。21st ……