刚果火山喷发导致加油站爆炸伤人AN explosion at a gas station set off by hot lava (熔岩) killed at least 50 people in the Congo on January 21. This came as another blow to the country, where people were picking ……
, is the promise of youth.埃博拉病毒在非洲刚果夺走了100多人的生命。我们家附近的一个“牛娃”参加了哈佛资助的项目,奔赴刚果帮助当地人。许多人对此表示可惜,但也... life for all mankind.” This, I think, is the promise of youth.埃博拉病毒在非洲刚果夺走了100多人的生命。我们 ……
Wen Jiabao teachesCongolese(刚果的) teenagers Chinese during his official trip to seven African ……
will be in eight countries — India, Nigria (尼日利亚), Pakistan (巴基斯坦), the Republic of the Congo (刚果 ……
to get the fruits of the argan (阿尔刚果) tree, which is commonly seen in the southwest of Morocco ……
Small songs特别关注:丛林小矮人出唱片PYGMIES(俾格米人) from the deep forests ofCongo(刚果) released their first record last Tuesday. The disc, produced with funding fromUNESCO(联合国教科文组织), includes 10 songs by a pygmy ……
. The Democratic Republic of Congo (刚果民主共和国) (13 KBps) ……
to the study, was the Congo (刚果). ……
of duty意为“在执行任务时”,fall in the line of duty指“在岗位上殉职”。为了帮助刚果维龙加国家公园的大猩猩种群和护林人员,莱昂...位上殉职”。为了帮助刚果维龙加国家公园的大猩猩种群和护林人员,莱昂纳多携手众多名人成立基金会帮助他们渡过难关。 ……
inCambodia(柬埔寨) in Southeast Asia andNamibia(纳米比亚) and theCongo(刚果) in Africa. ……
. That's what some kids in South Africa can write after visiting ...刚刚游玩过南部非洲刚果野生动物园的孩子就可以这样写...2 ……
in the Congo (1931)丁丁在刚果(刚果)The Red Sea Sharks (1958)红海鲨鱼(红海) Land of Black Gold (1951)黑金之国(中东)The Cigars ……
in the Congo (1931)丁丁在刚果(刚果)The Red Sea Sharks (1958)红海鲨鱼(红海) Land of Black Gold (1951)黑金之国(中东)The Cigars ……
open over theDemocratic Republic of Congo(刚果民主共和国), on May 8.It was not known how many people were ……
a rebel army group inCongo(刚果), because of poverty. "I had no food and they said they would give me ……