查韦斯重返委内瑞拉总统府HUGO Chavez was freed by his country's military (军方) and returned to his position as Venezuelan President on April 14. It was a dramatic (戏剧性的) return to power two days after he was said ……
SEVERAL UScompanies are developing a four-person flying car for the US military (军方). The car, known as The Transformer (变形金刚), could run like a four-wheel-drive jeep, and it could become ……
据美联社报道,美国国防部日前正计划组建一支拥有大约1000名士兵的"外语兵团"。国防部表示,印第安纳大学、加利福尼亚州立大学圣迭戈分校、密西西比大学和得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校四所大学将获得四项总额为200万美元的经费,用于向军校学员教授阿拉伯语、俄语、普什图语、汉语、印地语和波斯语等语言。由于反恐战争的压力,美国军方正面临外语人才短缺的困扰。美国政府已开始积极培养双语人才,大力发展对国家安全具重要意义的语言教育。 ……
her to grow to the size of an office building. Then the US military (军方) quickly capture Susan ……
为有利的军事武器,美国军方的Ross将军一直在四处追捕他。为此,Bruce辗转来到巴西过着隐姓埋名的生活,他与纽约的科学家Samuel Sterns一直保持着秘密通讯,合作研发解药。为了尽快解救自己,取得...己体内注射了来自二战时期的神秘血清,将自己变成一个丑陋、凶恶、力大无穷的怪物Abomination(憎恶)。Bruce与Betty躲过军方的追捕,到纽约找到了科学家Samuel。就在解药接近完成之际,狂暴 ……
, the Israeli military (军方) later claimed in a statement that it didn’t use such a weapon, reported..., in the Palestine-Israel conflict in October. However, the Israeli military (军方) later claimed in a statement ……
Military (军方). The dark force revives (复活) him. Now Megatron is back, in search of the Autobots ……
Military (军方). The dark force revives (复活) him. Now Megatron is back, in search of the Autobots ……
that the US military (军方) began using in the 1940s. But in 1950, Qian went through anti-communist ……
触碰的底线”。The daughters of Egypt are a red line这句标语是谴责军方在对待抗议者这件事上触碰了底线,做得太过分了。Cross the red line意为“触碰 ……
话题:一家英国公司近日为美国军方研发出了类似于“哈利·波特”电影中的“隐身斗篷”。这种斗篷甚至能骗过夜视护目镜,而售价只有100-200美元之间。但这种斗篷的面世同时也引发了很大争议。你支持隐身斗篷面向公众发售吗?主持:江苏省南京市树人国际学校主持人:蒋逸兴YESJiang Yixing, 14:I think it would be a good idea to sell ……
to cooperate (合作) with the US government and military (军方的) than they are to oppose them. The result ……
in October. However, the Israeli military (军方) later claimed in a statement that it didn’t use..., in the Palestine-Israel conflict in October. However, the Israeli military (军方) later claimed ……
Transforming warfare?美军曝光新型装甲飞车。SEVERAL US companies are developing a four-person flying car for the US military (军方). The car, known as The Transformer (变形金刚), could run just like a four-wheel-drive ……
asked him if Chinese planes had flown into Japanese airspace, causing Japanese military (军方 ……