Wars of the Roses玫瑰战争兰开斯特家族和约克家族的支持者为了英格兰王位而发生的内战。该名字并未使用于当时,而是在16世纪,莎士比亚在历史剧《亨利六世》中以两朵玫瑰被拔标志战争的开始后才成为普遍用语。 ……
美国作家唐纳德麦凯格将于今年11月出版不朽名著《飘》(Gone With the Wind)的第二部续集,书名为《白瑞德周围的人》(Rhett Butler’s People)。这部新书以1843年至1874年这段时间为背景,描写了白瑞德在种植园度过的童年和成年时代以及在内战期间偷越封锁线的经历,并且剖析了白瑞德是如何爱上郝思嘉的。麦凯格因撰写一系列美国内战题材小说受到好评。《飘》的作 ……
Jing and Deng Chao star in the film.At first, the war was a civil war (内战) on the Korean Peninsula (朝鲜..., the war was a civil war (内战) on the Korean Peninsula (朝鲜半岛) called the Korean War. But then the US ……
YOU'VE read about history in books, right? Well, some US kids like to act out the stories of history.Alex in Illinois likes to help act outbattles(战争) from the AmericanCivil War(内战) (1861-65)."Last ……
次的战役,如滑铁卢战役The battle of Waterloo。这句话的意思是:伊力诺伊州的Alex喜欢出演美国内战中的某些战役。EditorEditor ……
明星八卦CALLED in advance “a Spanish civil war (内战)” by fans, the match last Monday between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid was expected to be a tight game. Instead, Barcelona destroyed Real 5-0 ……
in 1854, but has changed a lot since then.Lincoln was a leader during the civil war (内战), which ran ……
(创伤) of the 1930s Spanish Civil War (内战) alongside the story of two single mothers sharing... by Pedro Almodovar, explores the trauma (创伤) of the 1930s Spanish Civil War (内战) alongside the story ……
在讲解语言知识的同时就课文本身的背景应作文化补白。例如,《大学英语》精读第三册有一篇The Woman Who Would Not Tell的课文。它叙述的是美国内战时期的故事。由于篇幅的限制,教材对文化背景的介绍并不是很多,只是在文章后的注解中稍有涉及。所以,在讲述课文内容之前,教师应对美国内战的详细背景作文化补白,这样就可以把学生带到遥远的美国内战时期,让学生如临内战战场,怀着 ……
it instead. In the Edo period of feudal (封建的) Japan, a great time of civil wars (内战) had ended. Many..., a great time of civil wars (内战) had ended. Many samurai lost their masters. Some became bounty ……
Dressing up to bring back the past我们摇身一变,成为历史书中的人物,尝试身临其境地体验过去的场景!词数:300 建议阅读时间:7分钟ALEX is a 15-year-old in Illinois in the US. He doesn't just read about the AmericanCivil War(内战) (1861-1865 ……
Bringing the past back for today我们摇身一变,成为历史书中的人物,尝试身临其境地体验过去的场景!FOR Alex, a 15 year old in the US, the AmericanCivil War(内战) (1861-65) isn't just a history lesson.Alex belongs to a group that acts ……
as photographer Dan Eldon in Journey, a film about thecivil war(内战) in Somalia. Eldon was one of four journalists ……
, a film about the civil war (内战) in Somalia. Eldon was one of four journalists stoned to death ……
through the American Revolution and the Civil War (美国内战). As well as learning about history ……