A: How did you do at your poker game last night?B: Really bad. I am seriously in the red.in the red指财务上遇到了困难,入不敷出. ……
I just bought a new mobile phone and an iPod.You're burning a hole in your pocket.burn a hole in one's pocket:钱花得很快,入不敷出 ……
burn a hole in one's pocketI just bought a new mobile phone and an iPod.You're burning a hole in your pocket.burn a hole in one'S pocket:钱花得很快,入不敷出 ……
“收支平衡”(income equals expenses),近义词为make ends meet。“入不敷出”,则是spend more than one makes/earns。 ……
years to 62 by 2018. Now the country’s pension system is running a deficit (入不敷出) which could become ……
VocabularyIdioms for running low on cashcannot make ends meet 入不敷出on a shoestring 用极少的钱生活tighten one's belt 省吃俭用be broke 不名一文的live on bread and water 过着粗茶淡饭的生活pinch pennies 精打细算Conversation:dealing ……
) family couldhardly make ends meet(入不敷出). They could only afford to send one of their six children ……
.BONUS与薪酬有关的词汇:fat salary 高薪 base salary 底薪draw one''s salary 领薪水live beyond salary 入不敷出 ……
’s current pension system is running a deficit (财政赤字,入不敷出) which could become worse if changes are not made ……
’ll need to tighten your belt. 很显然,如果你现在花钱就入不敷出,以后就不得不勒紧腰带过日子了。Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you’ll need to tighten your belt. 很显然,如果你现在花钱就入不敷出,以后就不得不勒紧腰带过日子了。 ……
willing to talk about the fact that the man recently lost his job. It's the elephant in the room.虽然家里已经入不敷出 ……
be very boring, but it pays off.Sentence bank释义:尽管我们当时几乎入不敷出,但父母仍对我和四个兄弟姐妹强调说,能生活在这样一个充满机遇的国家是多么幸运啊!释义:商业 ……
club家庭收入入不敷出 市长兼职为脱衣舞厅看门DALE Sparks, six-year long mayor of Federal Heights, Colorado, US ……
摘自: 趣文赏析[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
力抚养着十七岁的女儿梅莉。一位神秘的英国情报人员吸收他为下线情报员,以搜集当地情报。但平庸的他只能通过捏造人名、虚构行动,向英国政府报帐,以弥补他入不敷出的家庭生计。英国 ……
银行2009年发布的《中国人财富亚健康报告》使新名词“财富亚健康”引起大众的关注。该词指的是财富介于健康与疾病之间的一种功能低下的状态,具体地说,是指个人财富虽然没有出现危机,达到入不敷出 ……