“Oh, this is a good idea. I need to write it down. Gosh! There is no paper. ……
钢笔便签二合一。“OH, I have a good idea. I need to write it down. Gosh! There is no paper.” How many times do you have this problem? Well, this cool pen is here to help. It is a pen and paper in one. 21ST ……
camera's flash (闪光灯) with a colored sticky note (便签条). Any photos taken with the flash will take ……
camera's flash (闪光灯) with a colored sticky note (便签条). Any photos taken with the flash will take ……
. -------------------------------------------------------------------Notes from my loving mother母爱都在一张张小小便签 ……
. -------------------------------------------------------------------Notes from my loving mother母爱都在一张张小小便签 ……
-of-date professors. "Post-its" (便签簿) is a commercial name for those small, square pads of notepaper... words, they are not from the PDA and SMS age. So in Chinese, the sentence is "当然,有些天天短信发个不停的学生们还在听着用便签 ……
electronic greeting card.·Leavesticky notes(便签) with messages of thanks.·Draw a picture of how ……
;三等奖15名,赠送精美图书;纪念奖20名,赠送二十一世纪英文报便签本。邮寄地址:北京市朝阳区惠新东街15号《21世纪学生英文报》小学版编辑部 邮编:100029截止日期:2015年3月31日(获奖 ……
信封,寄到编辑部,参加幸运读者抽奖,赶紧行动吧!奖品:一等奖10名,赠送二十一世纪英文报保温杯; 二等奖15名,赠送二十一世纪英文报U盘;三等奖20名,赠送精美便签本。邮寄地址:北京市朝阳区惠新东街15号 ……
界面清新,具有海量词库、灵活无干扰屏幕取词等多种功能。其海量词汇的丰富释义,包括词语的基本释义、网络释义和例句、百科等内容,采用了便签式屏幕取词,半透明窗口效果,并支持取词窗口的二次查询。此外,该词 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
experiences that I don’t have when I buy new books. One time, I found a note (便签) in a second... interesting experiences that I don’t have when I buy new books. One time, I found a note (便签 ……
; before what grade I’m going into. Then I put stickers (便签) beside the sign and drew pictures... “first day of” before what grade I’m going into. Then I put stickers (便签) beside ……
,QQ词典还提供了强大、灵活的屏幕取词功能,如无干扰的全新取词、便签式屏幕取词。业内人士预测,腾讯由于在即时通讯领域处于顶端位置,拥有过亿的用户群体,QQ词典的上线,将有望收获大量用户。网易 ……
教会了弟弟如何查单词。我相信,你会获得更多知识,也会收获更多快乐!”与这个学生的谈话至今令我记忆犹新。我记得那本词典上包着厚厚的书皮,因为时常被翻阅,书皮的边角都有点磨损了。为了方便查单词,这个学生在词典的右侧用便签条上上下下、整整齐齐地贴满了26个字母。这些错落有序的便签条令人很快联想到钢琴的键盘。与这个学生的谈话至今令我记忆犹新。我记得那本词典上包着厚厚的书皮,因为时常被翻阅,书皮 ……