of seated areas. The tallest part is 80 metres high.Vocabularyaccommodation: n 住处,膳宿We offer help in finding accommodation. (我们提供代客安排住处的服务。) ……
; “家庭不只是人们身体的住处,更是人们心灵的归宿。” “家庭不只是人们身体的住处,更是人们心灵的归宿。” 9月29日,我们将迎来中国传统佳节中秋节。中秋团圆,首先是家庭团圆。习近平总书记曾多次在不同场合提到家庭和亲情。9月29日,我们将迎来中国传统佳节中秋节。中秋团圆,首先是家庭团圆。习近平总书记曾多次在不同场合提到家庭和亲情。习爷爷说过:“家庭不只是人们身体的住处 ……
答你的问题,那就要看你所谓‘相当的住处’是怎么个意思。在离我们这个商店的步行可达的范围之内,你能找到各式各样的住处。从一个星期四、五块钱的墙里一个窟窿起,到格局壮丽如同宫殿般的一套住房,一天... 牟善玉在极端情况下,“住处”简陋到像个a hole in the wall,并非不可能。问题仅仅在于,译文没必要那么雕琢(例如“墙里一个窟窿”)。在这一上下文里,直译作为一种权宜之策,本身 ……
them help for free.---------------------------------------irrespective 无关的accommodation 住处allegedly ……
have lawful jobs and legal residences (住处) in the province, Heilongjiang government announced late last ……
to Wuzhen to visit the former residence (住处) of Mao Dun, a well-known and respected novelist in China ……
n. 栖息处,住处The grassland is an important habitat for many wild flowers.absorb vt. 吸收In cold climates ……
to their winter quarters (住处) at the pond (池塘) of Eppendorf. This pond north of Alster has everything a swan... help them go to their winter quarters (住处) at the pond (池塘) of Eppendorf. This pond north of Alster has ……
你敢住魁北克冰旅馆吗?The Quebec Ice Hotel in Canada has attracted (吸引) 600,000 curious tourists since it opened 11 years ago. Now it is one of the country’s most popular accommodations (住处). The 3,000-square ……
的) place. They must find food and shelter (住处) by themselves. I recently co-founded (共同... find food and shelter (住处) by themselves. I recently co-founded (共同成立) the Survivor Club ……
that they won’t be able to graduate if they leave their university accommodation (住处) during lockdown... if they leave their university accommodation (住处) during lockdown, according to The Telegraph.&ldquo ……
be ripped off 被宰In July, Buckingham Palace, the London residence (住处) of the UK’s Queen... residence (住处) of the UK’s Queen Elizabeth II, opened its gardens to the public for the first time ……
advertisements for meat products on buses, shelters (住处), and screens in public spaces. Authorities... to ban advertisements for meat products on buses, shelters (住处), and screens in public spaces ……
buildings are everywhere.The White House has been the private residence (住处) and administrative ……
it."---------------------------------------substantial 实质的tuition 学费accommodation 住处 ……