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首相撒切尔夫人访华时收到一份由中国政府赠送的礼物,就是这部装帧精美的《英华大词典》。这本颇受翻译工作者和英语学习者赞誉的工具书,显示了中国人民克服语言障碍,愿意与世界沟通,追求发展与进步的决心和毅力。跨越半个世纪的传奇摘自《和郑易里》/陶膺 我是 ……
只是做着自己眼中再“平凡规矩”不过的事情,留给我们的却是辉煌不朽的传奇。喜欢英美诗歌和悬疑文学的读者大多知晓“埃德加·爱伦·坡”这个名字。作为...通过书籍阅读到的时代名人,文学大师也好、科学大家也罢,又何尝不是一张张历史的侧脸?他们只是做着自己眼中再“平凡规矩”不过的事情,留给我们的却是辉煌不朽的传奇。 ……
A DETECTIVE is a clever person. He or she solves1 cases2 and finds bad people. There are great detectives in books. ……
在2024年数字娱乐的璀璨世界中,《黑神话:悟空》的横空出世照亮了中国游戏工业的新纪元. 这款取材自中国古典名著《西游记》的单机动作角色扮演游戏不仅在技术上达到了国际3A标准,更以其深厚的文化底蕴,向世界展示了中国故事的独特魅力. 在2024年数字娱乐的璀璨世界中,《黑神话:悟空》的横空出世照亮了中国游戏工业的新纪元. 这款取材自中国古典名著《西游记》的单机动作角色扮演游戏不仅在技术上达到了国际3A标准,更以其深厚的文化底蕴,向世界展示了中国故事的独特魅力. ……
PROVIDED TO TEENS 峨眉女侠再现传奇武术峨眉女侠再现传奇武术It’s not just in ‘wuxia’ novels! This martial art comes to life It’s not just in ‘wuxia’ novels! This martial art comes to life ……
CHINA DAILY 张宇鹏:热爱打磨出的传奇!张宇鹏:热爱打磨出的传奇!A young Chinese jeweler takes first place at the WorldSkills competitionA young Chinese jeweler takes first place at the WorldSkills competitionPAGE ……
AFP 传奇落幕!网球天王费德勒宣布退役 传奇落幕!网球天王费德勒宣布退役 Roger Federer’s announcement marks the end of a historic career PAGE 8Roger Federer’s announcement marks the end of a historic career ……
NTVNTV《红猪》重映:反战经典,浪漫传奇《红猪》重映:反战经典,浪漫传奇Animation classic ‘Porco Rosso’ shows Hayao Miyazaki’s anti-war ideas PAGE 8Animation classic ‘Porco Rosso’ shows Hayao Miyazaki’s anti-war ideas  ……
XINHUA 马龙:以热爱书写国乒传奇马龙:以热爱书写国乒传奇Table tennis star Ma Long is honored for his exceptional achievementsTable tennis star Ma Long is honored for his ……
Rafael Nadal VCG网坛传奇网坛传奇tennis legendtennis legendTennis legend Rafael Nadal said he... it’s the time to … Everything I have experienced has been a dream come true,” said Nadal.来自西班牙的网球传奇 ……
传奇物理学家霍金不平凡的一生The greatest scientist since Albert Einstein has died at the age of 76. Stephen Hawking’s brilliance, courage and persistence has inspired people around the world and will continue ……
WHAT is the hottest song this year? It could be Coolest Ethnic (《最炫民族风》) , a song by the band Phoenix Legend (凤凰传奇) . Some people put the song in videos of other singers, because it goes well ……
IF you don’t know the song Coolest Ethnic (《最炫民族风》), you must be living in a box. The band Phoenix Legend (凤凰传奇) sang the song in 2009, but it suddenly became hot this year. Some people put the song ……
AFTER starring as Li Zhi in The Empress of China (《武媚娘传奇》), Aarif Lee won the hearts of fans. Now, the 28-year-old actor is on the reality TV show Sister Over Flowers (《花样姐姐》). In the show, he books ……