英语讲师职位要求:* 口语流利,美音标准,有意从事“疯狂英语”推广和传播的。* 有丰富的英语教学经验,发音饱满、纯正,熟悉“疯狂英语”教学特色者优先考虑。* 具有...英语”教学特色、有推广经验者优先考虑。* 热爱英语教育事业。* 具有较强的语言组织能力、活动组织能力及市场开拓能力。* 大专以上学历,具有较强的团队意识,有责任心。英语编辑职位要求:* 熟悉并认可“疯狂 ……
student.”Priority意为“优先考虑处理的事”,即something that is more important than other things and that needs ……
“优先考虑的事情”(something that is more important than other things and that needs to be done or dealt ……
the same things as you, and is it true that their job is their top priority (优先考虑的事)?It seems ……
that Russians cannot afford to cut weekdays as one of their priorities (优先考虑的事情) is to develop their economy ……
right, and that it “should be a priority (优先考虑的事) for all states” to make sure everyone has access ……
right, and that it “should be a priority (优先考虑的事) for all states” to make sure everyone has access ……
, and that it “should be a priority (优先考虑的事) for all states” to make sure everyone has access to the web. ……
高中英语教师职位要求* 年龄25至50岁,本科以上学历,5年以上工作经验。* 热爱教育事业、工作能力强。* 教学成绩突出、身心健康、普通话标准、责任心强。有亲和力,善于合作,沟通能力佳。* 特级教师、省市优秀教师,班主任,学科带头人优先聘用。* 有较强的班级管理能力,善于做学生工作,有毕业管理工作经验者优先考虑。联系方式联系电话:珠海市南屏镇珠海东方外语实验学校人力资源部邮编:519060联系 ……
教育部日前启动了2009年度“聘请外籍教师计划”。据了解,“聘请外籍教师计划”旨在资助教育部直属院校聘请外籍教师来校工作。该计划包括教育部重点项目、教育部普通项目及长期外籍教师(含语言类外籍教师和专业类外籍教师)聘请计划三个方面。另据了解,教育部将优先考虑资助承担国家重点科研项目和教学任务的国家重点实验室、国家重点学科聘请外籍教师。 ……
out what their priorities (优先考虑的事) are yet,” Laurence Shatkin, author of the book 150 Best Jobs ……
have too much work to do, try to make a study plan. You should prioritize (优先考虑) the most important ……
for children and staff is the priority (优先考虑的事). However, Geoff Barton, the general secretary... for children and staff is the priority (优先考虑的事). However, Geoff Barton, the general secretary ……
he struggled to deal with the pressure, noted CNN. To prioritize (优先考虑) his mental health, Mendes... with the pressure, noted CNN. To prioritize (优先考虑) his mental health, Mendes decided to cancel his ……
日为周一至周五中的任意两天。* 薪酬为基本工资加课时奖金。职位要求:*北京市各中小学在职教师或退休教师、教研员、顾问;须持有教师资格证明。* 有一定的高三年级教学经验。* 持有教师资格证的优秀师范类毕业生可优先考虑...中考英语动态。* 须持有教师资格证,英语专业、能尽快上岗者优先考虑。教育咨询师职位描述:* 负责客户的需求分析、负责产品与服务的咨询工作。* 制定辅导计划和训练方案。* 负责跟踪教学服务与协调教务工作。职位 ……