据英国《每日电讯报》报道,一项研究表明,英语语言正在以前所未有的速度演变着,令父母辈的英国人常常感到词汇量不足。据了解,这项研究是由英国伦敦大学学院现代英语文学荣誉退休教授、英语语言专家John utherland在三星手机公司的委托下开展的。他在研究报告中详细解释了那些令父母们感到困惑的社交媒体和手机短信用语,并指出,将来表情符号很可能会取代词语。例如,在儿童中流行的短语being ……
核心词汇panic v. 恐慌,害怕The gunfire panicked the horse.进阶词汇previous adj.以前的reaction n. 反应 ……
·(介词)在……前面In the alphabet, A is before all the other letters. (在字母表中,A排在所有其他字母前面。)·(副词)以前- Did you meet him before? (你以前见过他吗?)- No, this is the first time. (没有,这是第一次。) ……
摘自: Before[本栏目节选自外语教学与研究出版社出版的《外研社少儿英汉汉英词典》。, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]
VCG 很久很久以前,蚂蚁就开始种植真菌了!很久很久以前,蚂蚁就开始种植真菌了!Ants started farming fungi millions of years agoAnts started farming fungi millions of years ago ……
A: We can't eat all this food.B: You're right. We need a doggy bag.-----------"Doggy bag": 打包袋。以前人们打包剩菜通常是给小狗吃的。所以才会叫doggy bag。 ……
妻子琼对拉尔夫说:“我要警告你啊……医生说这种药会让我有点轻微的暴躁易怒。”拉尔夫表示这没关系。琼很高兴拉尔夫能支持(be supportive)她。而拉尔夫心里却说道:“与以前相比,轻微暴躁算是一种改善吧!”看来,琼以前脾气不太好啊。 ……
was also lower than all previous (以前的) years going back to 2003. People believe online education during... to 2019. The score was also lower than all previous (以前的) years going back to 2003. People believe ……
Dad: Why aren't you doing very well in history?Son: Because the teacher keeps asking about things that happened before I was born!不是我的错爸爸:你为什么历史总是学得不好呢?儿子:因为老师总是问一些我出生以前发生的事情。 ……
新鲜的牛奶Man: I want to know if the milk is fresh.Waiter: Fresh? Two hours ago, it was grass!顾客:我想知道这牛奶是不是新鲜的。服务员:是不是新鲜?两小时以前,它还是草呢! ……
, is the largest castle in England. Very few people live in castles nowadays. But once upon a time (很久以前 ……
勾销(以前的记录)I swear I won''t do it again. Let''s wipe the slate clean and start all over again, shall we? 我发誓再也不这样了。让我们忘记我以前的过错,重新开始,成吗? ……
the previous (以前的) year. It is the highest since record-keeping began in 1974, said the Asahi... by nearly 100 from the previous (以前的) year. It is the highest since record-keeping began in 1974, said ……
摩托车选手挑战珠峰极限CHINESE motorcyclist Chen Jianjun set off for Tibet (西藏) last Tuesday to beat his previous (以前的) world record. He hopes to climb even farther up the world's highest peak, Mount Qomolangma ……
As easy easy pieSituationDave: How do you make these delicious cookies, Mary?Mary: Oh, it's as easy as pie! My mum has a great cookbook!SituationAs easy as pie表示"容易极了,小菜一碟"的意思,通常用来形容做事情很轻松,不费力。同样的说法还有我们以前 ……
以前,主人每次给我洗澡都草草了事。现在有了洗澡机,我成了最受欢迎的“香香公主”!Do you wash your pets with your hands? If yes, here's good news for you! A machine can save (省去) you a lot of trouble (麻烦). 这就是集清洁、除菌、干燥、加香、护理为一体的宠物洗澡机。 Do you ……