次,收入超过300亿元。海外游学人均团费高达29000元不过,相比日本等国每年90%以上学生参加研学修学旅行,《报告》认为,中国游学市场发展程度还比较低,但这也意味着中国的游学市场有着广阔的发展前景。根据携程平台的统计,其游学业务以每年超过100%的速度迅速成长。从携程游学平台2017年暑期及2018年寒假的预定情况看,报名海外游学的人数增长达到50%,人均团费高达29000元。而价 ……
市综合阅读水平稳步提升,书香北京更加浓郁。2015-2016年度北京市综合阅读率为92.24%,连续两年保持一个百分点增长;人均纸质图书阅读量为10.88本,较上一年度增加了1.39本;数字阅读率为83.57%,较上...购置阅读设备及参与阅读文化活动的门票或办理与阅读有关的会员卡是居民最重要的支出,人均年消费402.47元,较上一年度增加41.52元;购买纸质图书,平均年消费323.39元,较上一年度增加5.22元。订阅纸质报纸和期刊的平均支出分别是32.59元和181.73 ……
3/4CHINA'S per-capita (人均) energy use is only three-fourths of the world average, the country's first white paper on its energy situation said. The paper issued (发布) last week reported that although ……
小康标准(三):农村居民家庭人均纯收入达 8,000元。小康标准(三):农村居民家庭人均纯收入达 8,000元。People have to work to make money...;. In a xiaokang society, the per capita (人均) net income for people in rural areas should be over 8,000 yuan ……
(人均的) number of paper books read was 4.76, and that of digital books was 3.3 in 2021. On average..., in 2021 than the year before.As for adults, the per capita (人均的) number of paper books read was 4.76 ……
capita (人均的) grain output stands at 483 kilograms, higher than the international security line (安全... output has been over 650 million tons for eight years in a row. The per capita (人均的) grain output ……
said. The figures show that the country’s per capita (人均) annual soda consumption (消费量) fell to 450 ……
sport grounds per capita (人均) to 1.8 square meters by 2020. ……
”(to be late in payment),常用搭配为sb is in arrears。联合国会费由一国国民总收入、负债以及人均收入来确定。 21st ……
小康标准(一):人均国内生产总值超过3000美元。小康标准(一):人均国内生产总值超过3000美元。To build a xiaokang society in all respects (全面地), China needs to reach 10 important goals (目标). By the end of 2020, its per capita GDP (人均 ……
小康标准(二):城镇居民人均可支配收入达1.8万元。小康标准(二):城镇居民人均可支配收入达1.8万元。Your parents get paid after a month of work...) by the end of 2020. Among them, the per capita (人均) disposable income of people living in cities ……
小康标准(五):城镇人均住房建筑面积30平方米。小康标准(五):城镇人均住房建筑面积30平方米。Wang Hanming, 60, told Xinhua that in 1985 when he... society is that the per capita floor space of urban residents (城镇居民人均住房建筑面积) should be 30 square ……
70年,中国人均预期寿命翻了一倍多。“Many people died in their 30s or 40s when I was a child”, Chen Zhixiang, an 81...统计局), the life expectancy (人均预期寿命) for Chinese people rose from 35 in 1949 to 77 in 2018. Chen told Xinhua ……
(每年的) tea consumption is a modest 0.76 kg per capita (人均), ranking only 20th in the world ……
of a new generation”, as Pepsi once advocated (宣传). The study found that the country’s per capita (人均 ……