, South Africa.南非德班世乒赛男女单打决赛28日落下战幕。樊振东、孙颖莎分别夺得本届世乒赛男女单打冠军。“夺冠”可用crown表示,作动词,意为“为…...加冕”。它还有“使完成,使圆满”的意思。Crown也可作名词,表示“冠军宝座,桂冠”, 例如take the crown也表示“夺冠”。南非德班世乒赛男女单打决赛28日落下战幕。樊振东、孙颖莎分别夺得本届世乒赛男女单打冠军。“夺冠 ……
both titles (冠军) at the event. 2月24日,中国女子乒乓队在世乒赛决胜盘逆转,以3:2战胜日本队,实现世乒赛六连冠,国乒男队也在次日夺冠,获得11连冠。Record-extending意为“创纪录的”,extend意为“延伸”,类似的词组还有record-breaking,意为“破纪录的”。2月24日,中国女子乒乓队在世乒赛决胜盘逆转,以3:2战胜日本队,实现世乒赛 ……
Team China wins big at the top table tennis event Team China wins big at the top table tennis event 中国乒乓男女天团世乒赛双双夺冠中国乒乓男女天团世乒赛双双夺冠China won “double delight (双喜)” at the 2022 International ……
中国乒乓球队威力无敌再创佳绩。CHINA is on top of the ping-pong world again! The national team brought home double happiness last weekend from the 47th World Table Tennis Championship (世乒赛) held in Doha, Qatar (卡塔 ……
.为庆祝“乒乓外交”50周年,中美选手跨国搭档出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。“搭档”或“配对”可用 pair off...;乒乓外交”50周年,中美选手跨国搭档出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。“搭档”或“配对”可用 pair off / partner ……
(纪念) of Ping-Pong Diplomacy.为庆祝“乒乓外交”50周年,中美选手跨国搭档出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。“搭档”或...以说 team up with。 TEENS为庆祝“乒乓外交”50周年,中美选手跨国搭档出战2021年休斯敦世乒赛混双比赛。“搭档”或 ……
世乒赛皇后王楠:相信阳光总在风雨后,以勇气迎来久违的彩虹。SHE burst into tears when she was badly defeated in last October's Asian Games. She lost two matches in China's team final and lost the singles title to teammate Zhang ……
俏皮惹人喜爱的“瓷娃娃”福原爱,闪亮上海世乒赛。FUKUHARA Ai, 16, is a teenage girl that youcan't help butlike.The talented table tennis player used to cry so much after she lost a game that she got the name "cry-baby". She ……
winner (大满贯得主,指奥运会、世乒赛和乒乓球世界杯冠军) ever. He made it in just 15 months. Later, he and his teammates won ……
花季少女跃跃欲试,期待世乒赛再展风采。 THERE is little room left for school and test papers in the life of 16-year-old Guo Yue. All her time and energy is focused on a small,spinning(旋转的) white ball.When most teenagers ……
sports event.世乒赛结束后,中美两国乒乓球队实现了互访,国际舆论称之为"乒乓外交"(ping-pong diplomacy)。多年以后,姚明加入NBA则被称为中美两国的"篮球 ……