High flyer风筝"反客为主",带人飞上天空。NORWEGIAN(挪威人) Bjoern Ludvig Moen was flying his kite whena strong gust of wind(一阵狂风) made it seem more like the kite was flying him, last Monday.The large 23-square metre ……
故事简介:一天, Emily 在公园里为 Clifford 画像。正要大功告成的时候,一阵狂风吹来,把画像席卷而走。Clifford 赶紧追了上去。他能完好无损地夺回画像吗?快看故事吧。1. One day, I ampaintinga picture of Clifford in the park. 2. I amalmostfinished when the wind blows my ……
the Pacific Ocean (太平洋). 中途赶上了暴风雨,一阵狂风袭来,船身一歪。The toy ducks fell off (掉下) the ship into the sea.From ……
雪片footing 立足处gust 阵风, 一阵狂风mountaineering 登山BonusExpressions登山家alpinist海拔8,000米8,000 meters above ……