拉姆(Robert McCrum)最近撰文指出:“莎士比亚是一位能将语言运用自如的作家……当优美的本地语言与拉丁词语编织在一起的时候,英语语言获得了重生。” ……
XINHUAXINHUA从 “灭绝”到 “重生”:朱鹮保护创典范。从 “灭绝”到 “重生”:朱鹮保护创典范。Forty years since the last seven crested ibises were found, the species has come back from ……
世界首只克隆羊多利“重生”。 DO you remember the first cloned (克隆) sheep, Dolly? Dolly died in 2003. But now, Dolly lives again. Scientists made four Dollies by cloning. They look just the same as Dolly. The new ……
排名世界第一的王仪涵凭借其凌厉的打法后发制人夺得冠军,被媒体称为 “浴火重生的凤凰”。 ……
海洋里的“重生高手”。Starfish live in the ocean. They look small and simple. But did you know that they can regrow their arms?There are about 1,800 species (种类) of starfish. It is common for most species ……
海洋里的“重生高手”。Starfish live in the ocean. They look small and simple. But did you know that they can regrow their arms?There are about 1,800 species (种类) of starfish. It is common for most species ……
"坏小孩"谢霆锋能从绯闻和官司中重生,再次找回他自己吗?IT is easy to forget that Nicholas Tse is a singer. Over the last few... no matter what has happened," he said. His album, "Reborn" (《重生》), released in July, is meant to show ……
to lifeI’ve been living a lie there’s nothing insideBring me to life呼唤我的名字,将我从黑暗中救出让我的血液流动在我毁灭之前将我从虚无中救出带我重生我生活在谎言中,一无所有带我重生点歌人:邵子程 江苏省南京外国语学校点歌语录:在被困难击垮的时候,唯有信念能够带你重生。● 想为你的亲朋好友点歌吗?请将歌名及理由发送到zhouyixuan ……
“钢铁侠”浴火重生。课件及教案见网站IRON Man is a super hero (超级英雄) from the US. His real name is Tony Stark. He is also a businessman. He makes armor (盔甲) to save his life and protect the world. In the new movie Iron ……
长时间的治疗现在终于“浴火重生”。她的励志故事获选为中小学生课外读物及教材,用来鼓励小朋友遇到挫折不要轻言放弃。Selina得知这个消息后很开心,她希望小朋友可以从中得到启发,面对逆境勇往直前。 ……
3D打印技术帮助断喙巨嘴鸟“重生”。词数 150 建议阅读时间 4分钟Grecia used to be a sad toucan (巨嘴鸟) that lost its beak (鸟嘴). But with the help of kind people and technology, Grecia got a new beak.The bird lives in Costa Rica ……
当灭绝的动物重生……美国女孩设计独具创意的谷歌标志。What if extinct (灭绝的) animals could come back to life? Is this something you would think about?Alyssa Anderson’s idea for this year’s Doodle 4 Google competition came from ……
在疫情得到控制后,中国将会浴火重生。After the storm comes the rainbow. We are confident that China will emerge stronger after the epidemic. 风雨之后总会有彩虹。相信在疫情得到控制后,中国将会浴火重生。 ……
the rainbow. We are confident that China will emerge stronger after the epidemic.风雨之后总会有彩虹。相信在疫情得到控制后,中国将会浴火重生... the epidemic.风雨之后总会有彩虹。相信在疫情得到控制后,中国将会浴火重生。TEENS ……
Nezha rides his motorcycle. LIGHT CHASERNezha rides his motorcycle. LIGHT CHASER《新神榜:哪吒重生》: 古典神话撞进现代科幻。《新神榜:哪吒重生》: 古典神话撞进现代科幻。For hundreds of years, Nezha and his stories have been popular in China ……