him again in 2007 for Lust, Caution (《色戒》). Lee is “one of the most successful directors in creating ……
Lee's Asian story"BROKEBACK Mountain" (《断背山》) director Ang Lee will start working on the Chinese-language thriller "Lust, Caution" (《色戒》) in the fall.The film is set in Shanghai during World War II ……
Wang's albumTAIWAN pop singer Lee-Hom Wang (王力宏) will launch his new album next month. Having spent over half a year acting in Ang Lee's (李安) new film Lust, Caution (《色戒》), Wang said the new album ……
Wang's latestTAIWAN pop singerLee-Hom Wang(王力宏) will launch his new album next month. Having spent over half a year acting inAng Lee's(李安) new filmLust, Caution(《色戒》), Wang said the new album would ……
Tang wins awardACTRESS Tang Wei won the best new performer award for her role in the filmLust, Caution(《色戒》) at the 44th Golden Horse Film Awards in Taiwan on December 8.The movie isdirected(导演 ……
Wang pursues actingLEEHOM Wang(王力宏) has made his new year resolution: topursue(追求) acting as well as singing. He announced this plan on December 13 in Beijing. Wang said the filmLust, Caution(《色戒 ……
著名华人导演、奥斯卡最佳导演奖获得者李安的新作《色戒》将于近期在中国内地上映。《色戒》改编于张爱玲同名小说《色戒》,在今年第64届威尼斯影展及北美上映时,其英文片名译作Lust, Caution...影迷建议将《色戒》翻译作Sex and the City,认为city即是“城”,在中国文化中,围城、紫禁城都具有“戒”的含义,而影片最后的情节——全城戒严也照应了这一主题。实际上,华语 ……
全集的译者蓝诗玲(Julia Lovell)是英国剑桥大学现当代中国文学博士、北京大学交流学者,现任剑桥大学汉学系教师及研究员,翻译作品有《色戒》《马桥词典》等,并著有《长城》等反映中国文化的作品,被学 ……
摘自: 八面来风[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
著名翻译家朱丽亚拉佛尔事件回放《外滩画报》近日对英国著名翻译家朱丽亚拉佛尔进行了专访,她曾将中文小说《马桥字典》《色戒》等作品译介到英国。朱丽亚拉佛尔认为,中国文学作品要想在西方社会加强话语权,必须 ……
摘自: 世说新语[21ST, 21世纪英语教育周刊]
鹅每年工作计划的一部分。王珍透露,继《狼图腾》后,近一年来,企鹅已连续买下张爱玲的《色戒》《倾城之恋》《再生缘》,朱文的《我爱美元》和王刚的《英格力士》(English)等一系列作品,并将于明年夏季在全球推出《鲁迅 ……
国古代经典名著,还有现代经典小说如张爱玲《色戒》和《倾城之恋》、钱锺书的《围城》等。据了解,企鹅明年还将出版鲁迅的系列小说,此外,中国的当代小说如莫言的《红高粱》等也在其出版之列。企鹅(中国)总经理周海伦(Jo ……